Preparation of the establishment of banks conducted by Drs. Harsono Sandjoyo who later became Director of First Bank Jateng, assisted by Drs. Mud Sukasan. Over time, the Bank Jateng growing up has offices in all districts / cities in Central Java.
Along with the continued development and to better display the company's positive image of the company, especially after the escape of the recapitalization program, the Java Bank management intends to change the logo and name call the company that represents the new face of Bank Jateng.
Under the Articles of Amendment # 68 dated May 7, 2005 Notary Prof. DR. Liliana Tedjosaputro and the Decree of the Minister of Justice and Human Rights No. C.17331 HT.01.04.TH.2005 dated June 22, 2005 then the proper name (call name) PT. Bank Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Tengah changed from the previous Bank BPD Jateng into Bank Jateng.
Bank Jateng now invite you to join through the recruitment of employees with the following qualifications:
1. S1/S2 graduates
o Hukum (Kode H)
o Ekonomi Manajemen (Kode EM)
o Ekonomi Akuntansi (Kode EA)
o Fisip Komunikasi (Kode FK)
o Psikologi (Kode P)
o Sastra Inggris (Kode SG)
o Teknik (Kode T)
o MIPA-Matematika/Statistika (Kode MA)
o Peternakan (Kode PT)
o Perikanan (Kode PI)
o Pertanian (Kode PN)
o Teknik Informatika (Kode TI)
o Sistem Informasi (Kode SI)
2. Cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of at least 3.00 (scale 4)
3. Accreditation PTS / PTN minimum B
4. Maximum age 30 years to 35 years for S1 and S2 as of May 1, 2011
5. Unmarried and willing to not get married during a prospective employee.
6. Physically and mentally healthy
• Application
• Curriculum Vitae
• Copy of ID card
• Photocopy of diploma & transcript last Legalized
• Description legalized Accreditation
• Statement from the village (Kelurahan) and the RT / RW local states have never married (stamped)
• Certificate of Work Experience for those who have
• Pas recent color photos 4x6 size (2 sheets)
• No. HP is the contact
Applications sent to:
PO BOX 336 TANGERANG-15001No later than July 30, 2011
Include the application code at the top right corner of the envelope.